Najnowsze wpisy, strona 2

lut 14 2004 nevermind
Komentarze: 0

I run for 1 hour today. Right now, I'm just drinking ice water thinking if i should have run for two. Now I know that. I would get skiny faster. FAT LAZY COW! YOU JUST WANTED TO SIT AFRONT OF THIS SCREAN AND TYPE THIS SHIT...... I HATE YOU. YOU ARE SO WORTHLESS! DO SIT UPS RIGHT NOW. AND LUNGES! FAST, FAST, GET OFF YOUR FAT ASS..... YOU'LL NEVER LOOSE WEIGHT AND BECOME PERFECT SITTING HERE...... GO, GO NOW....


pathetic.... one side wants to waste away, and the other tells me not to....  i know i'm worthless... I'm sorry.....

lzejsza_od_powietrza : :
lut 13 2004 Fat Failure
Komentarze: 0

I ate a cookie.... a big one, shaped like a heart. I ate it, a whole one. whith red shugar frosting on the top. Brian brought me them. I ate one. ONE. And then another one. I drinked some water... Then went to the bathroom, and got rid of them..... I'm fat.... I'm sooooo fat.... I can't stand myself. I wish I could just fade. Fade like my own sahdow. helpless... pointless... Why do I have to be like this??????

lzejsza_od_powietrza : :
lut 11 2004 in my dream
Komentarze: 0

In my dream
Far away from reality
My pityful wish comes true

There is no struggle, po pain and no remorse
just beauty of my bones

here I am chasing my shade
which is only my x-ray


Today's intake: 150 cals
Weight: too much
Pounds lost: 3,5
Pounds to loose: 16,5

I like my new scale it'smuch more accureate than my old one... shows 3 pounds more which is about right for me... I wish i could stop obsessing with it... i weighted myslef around 20 times today.... every time I see my weight, I don't want to eat anymore. I need to exercise tommorow, go to the gym if I will have a chance. I know that I will run before school on thursday, because school doesn't start until 9. I can get up at 7 and run for an hour, stretch, take a shower and then go to school. And maybe go tot the gym after work... I HAVE TO LOOSE THOSE POUNDS NO MATTER WHAT. I KNOW I'M A FAT PIG........

lzejsza_od_powietrza : :
lut 10 2004 Better, better, but not good enought
Komentarze: 0

Yeah.... I bought a new scale.... electronic one... the other one just doesn't seem accurate anymore... or maybe I'm going crazy.

Today's Intake: 456,5 calories

Calories burned in exercise: 325

Pounds to loose: 17,5

Pounds lost: 2,5 in 3 days.....



I need to make alayout... somtime arount the weekend

lzejsza_od_powietrza : :
lut 09 2004 Failure
Komentarze: 1

Intake: 350 calories

Weight: To ashamed to tyme a number

Height: 5'6"


lzejsza_od_powietrza : :